Sunday, June 20, 2010

Second Door to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!

I remember my brother Andy once telling me about a study on Alzheimer's Disease that was either completed or in progress (or maybe he was just pulling my leg) where they were analyzing the correlation between the disease and travel routines. Stick to one route, higher the risk of Alzheimer's in life. Mix things up and get from A to B using a handful of different paths to choose from, lower risk. Something about scenery changing, your mind having to work through different factors each day...yada yada. Now I didn't read any article (and Andy, feel free to set the record straight in the comment box), but if this is true, then I think it is safe to say that I am on the right track to avoiding this disease. I have moved, yet AGAIN! And this area is TOTALLY different from the one I just spent the last month living in. New streets. New scenes. New people. New, new, NEW! This move has it's pros and cons. Pro...I just reduced my chances of Alzheimer's Disease. Con...I will never get to live my The Notebook fantasy and die with my husband on a twin bed in the hospital after having "come to." Oh well. You win some, you lose some. my new apartment! .

I moved in Monday. So I spent the first night having family night with my family on speaker phone in my livingroom. Could have been the plot to a seminary video.

I am still living out of a few boxes, but have improved in the fact that my suitcases are now abandoned in my hallway closet as my clothes are situated comfortably in my bedroom closet. One step at a time.

*Sigh* One step at a time. That's what I keep telling myself as I look at my wallet and then to that rustic looking, green desk at Goodwill. One step at a time as I look from wallet to pillows at Ikea. One step at a time...I do feel, however, that I found another hidden talent. Thrift store shopping! Bought a two cushioned couch at Salvation Army for $6.50! And it doesn't even smell like cat urine or cigarette smoke! Deal? I think so. But we'll see what surprises I neglected to see as it sat next to its $75-125 friends. This is just the start of a new way of shopping. So with that said, I try to keep from beating myself up for my moments of weakness when I buy things like a $26 King size comforter (that was on sale...but admittedly could have gone a cheaper way) to tuck over that couch. But still...I mean...a couch for under $35? Who can beat this (and I am not holding up a McDonald's fry)?

Oh right. Pictures. ENJOY!

As you walk into the apartment...

My room, just to the right as you walk in...


Yippee! Suitcases in storage!

I want to take this opportunity to thank my mother for the lifetime supply of corn, refried, and kidney beans. Thanks.

Kitchen. Funny story about that pile of wood in my living room. Went to Ikea. Came home two hours later SUPER excited to start the building hammer and no screwdrivers. Give me a break!

No comment.

Why am I sleeping there, you ask? Don't ask. I am trying to figure that out myself.

Saweet! Now I can put those $10 laundry trips to the electrical/water bill!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Can't Let it Get to ME!

I've made it to week number three. Pat on the back. I am sure that anyone (if any) reading this blog are intimate enough with either me or my mom to know that this move to Washington has not been the easiest. Homesick. Anxious. Alone. Losing hair. Losing weight. Losing sleep. Losing tear fluids....ALL...THE...TIME! These feeling have gotten pretty annoying and exhausting. SO, I have decided to S.T.O.P! I am in 22 and in one of the most beautiful areas in the U.S. It's time I start living it up. I am inviting all worried about me to walk with me to get lost in Western Washington via my blog as I try to approach this new (and I mean NEW!) life as an adventure.

I really have no idea what to write on a blog. Who does, right? Andy. Andy does. But I fear that all I can give you readers is a bunch of randomness and a possible misspelt word here and there. Random, like this failed attempt at a second paragraph.

Redo at this topic thing. I have made one friend in WA. He is currently in the hospital, after having his appendex removed. Que lastima. Went in last night. Going back tonight. Didn't tell me why the second visit, but I figured he would tell me if he were dying, even though we aren't that close yet. Am I right in saying that dying would be something to mention, even to a recent contact addition to a cell phone? I mean, going back to the hospital isn't normal. At least, I don't think it is. Never heard of it. I guess I am fretting because I would hate to lose my only friend here so soon. We are planning on drinking gatorade and eating flinstone vitamins (things a person "on the mend" should be partaking) while watching one of his top three movies, CLUE, tomorrow night. I guess by then I will know if I will need to put that one index finger back down when naming off my Washingtonian amigos. I'll keep you all posted. Until then, I will continue watching Devil Wears Prada and searching the web for a newbie's"must do's" in the Seattle area while NOT thinking about my friend's fate.